Did you know?
More than 90% of Australians don’t eat enough fruit or vegetables.
Nutrition Australia
Visit for a bunch of recipes and fresh ideas to help you buy, grow, cook and enjoy fruit and vegetables.
Important things to remember to stay safe and healthy on your holidays:
• Visit doctor 4-6 weeks before your travel to any destination – you may need vaccinations or medication
• Prevent bug bites
• Reduce your exposure to germs
• Avoid sharing body fluids
• Avoid non-sterile medical or cosmetic equipment
• Eat and drink safely
• Keep away from animals
Waitara Family Medical Practice can help you with any of your travel requirements.
Our GPs can provide travel advice and administer any vaccinations you may require, on-site.
To book an appointment, call 02 8038 1070 or head to Waitara Medical home page where you can book using Health Engine.
Little steps can go a long way — Make a personal mental health promise to yourself today!
Mental Health Australia is running a campaign to mark World Mental Health Day on 10 October.
World Mental Health Day raises public awareness about mental health issues and highlights the role we all play in our own good mental health and wellbeing.
The day promotes open discussion of mental disorders and investments in prevention, promotion and treatment services.
For more information see the Mental Health page on Facebook
If you would like general information or wish to discuss any mental illness and the steps to recovery, you can make an appointment with one of our GPs at Waitara Medical. Book your appointment on Health Engine
Did you know it was Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) Awareness Week from 1-7 October 2015?
Between 2% and 5% of Australians, that’s 440,000 to 1,100,000 individuals are affected by BPD at some stage in their lives.
Symptoms for people with this illness include emotional distress, self-harm, difficulty relating to others and the world around them. This can be very distressing for the person and for people close to them.
The symptoms of the disorder usually first appear in mid to late teens or in early adulthood, with women three times more likely to be diagnosed with BPD than men.
Contrary to common belief, people with BPD can recover! With early diagnosis, appropriate treatment and support the prognosis for people with BPD is positive.
For more information visit the BPD Information page on Facebook
If you would like more information or wish to discuss any mental illness and the steps to recovery, you can make an appointment with one of our GPs at Waitara Medical. Book your appointment on through Health Engine
Waitara Family Medical Practice and the staff would like to thank everyone who came down to visit us on the open day. It was a great day with some very inspirational people, here are some of the highlights:
Cutting of the ribbon to signify the opening of the Medical Practice
Entrance of the medical centre