New Year Resolution

Happy New Year

New year resolution

New Year Resolution

Christmas is over and the New Year has begun, what better time to reevaluate your health priorities and make a fresh start. Without good health everything suffers. Making small changes can have a big impact in every area of your life. Here are a few suggestions to help you on your way. • Full health check with GP – getting the all clear on your health = peace of mind • Quit smoking – see GP, they can advise you on various methods to support you in quitting the habit = live longer, fresh breath, more kisses • Eat more fruit and vegetables – fresh whole foods are packed with vitamins and minerals = feel good, look good • Start exercising – join a walking group, yoga class, water aerobics, tennis club = feeling fit, being social, make new friends By this time next year you will be the best version of yourself.

Are you feeling lonely?

Christmas can be a very lonely time of the year for those without family. Whilst others are preparing for the festive season some people can begin to feel isolated and If you identify with these feelings contact your G.P to discuss options for helping you deal with these emotions. There are also organisations and community groups set up to assist at this time of year. Don’t hesitate to reach out and ask for the assistance you need. Waitara Family Medical Practice (02) 8038 1070 Beyond Blue support service 1300 22 4636 The Salvation Army 13 72 58

Holiday Health and Safety Tips

Holiday Health and Safety Tips

  • Hydrate – remember to stay well hydrated during the festive/holiday season.
  • Food – to feel at your peak, fresh is best. Get all your vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat. Choose fresh wholefoods
  • Alcohol – drink in moderation or be at risk of becoming the guest no one wants to invite over again
  • Driving – don’t ever be tempted to drink and drive, it is a no win situation
  • Sun – choose a high factor sunscreen and always re-apply after swimming and/or exercising
  • Rest – take time to rest up over the holidays. Recharge your batteries and always rest before driving long distances

Be Sun smart

Be Sun smart   Don’t just apply sunscreen this summer, cover your arms and wear a hat and sunglasses whenever you plan to be outdoors.

See your GP to check your skin or book your appointment at Waitara Medical by calling 0280381070.