World Hemophilia Day

World Hemophilia Day


HaemophiliaThe aim is to gain awareness about hemophilia and other inherited bleeding disorders.

1 in 1000 people globally have a bleeding disorder, but most are not diagnosed and do not get treatment.

For more information or to support this cause visit the website below.

If you have any concerns, see GP at Waitara Medical by making an appointment. You can book online by visiting or call Waitara Medical at 80381070.

Wearing Green for Premmies

Wear Green for Premmies on 13 April

wear green

Celebrating 6th year raising awareness, L’il Aussie Prems Foundation invites Australia to join by

Wearing Green for Premmies on Wednesday, 13th April 2016. 

Search your closet for your favourite green outfit and help raise awareness of the thousands of babies born early in Australia each year.

L’il Aussie Prems’ mission is to make an emotional and financial difference for premmie families and to donate equipment to hospitals that care for all these tiny babies, born too soon. Raising funds is vital for our charity to make a difference in the lives of families and the community.

To find out more, visit





April 11 World Parkinson’s Day

World Parkinson’s Day is a time for us all to unite and raise awareness and funds for research.


  • Parkinson’s is the second most common neurological disease in Australia after dementia
  • it affects 100,000 Australians, and 10 million people worldwide
  • 30 Australians are diagnosed every day with Parkinson’s

World Parkinson’s day aims to increase awareness of the disease, and collaborates Shake it Up Australia to raise funds for research.

You can participate in Pause4Parkinsons by hosting a gathering, donating money or fundraising, visit Pause4Parkinson’s Shake it Up website for more information.

April 7 World Health Day

World Health Day, April 7, 2016 is focusing on Diabetes.whd-poster-main-630

Diabetes affects about 350 million people in the world, and that number is expected to double in the next 20 years.

The mission of the World Health Organisation Diabetes Program is to prevent diabetes whenever possible and to minimize complications and maximize quality of life.

There is a globally agreed target to halt the rise of diabetes and obesity by 2025.

For more information and your risk of developing diabetes make an appointment with your doctor today!

Visit WHO for more information about World Health Day.

Happy Easter


All staff at Waitara Medical wish our clients a safe and happy Easter!

The practice will be closed from Good Friday 25th to Easter Monday 28th,  re-opening at 09:00am Tuesday 29th of March.

After hours service available during Easter break, you can contact Sydney Medical Service for a bulk billed home visit on (02) 8724 6300


Tuberculosis: When you can’t breathe… nothing else matters




Tuberculosis is a disease caused by an infection with the bacteria ‘mycobacterium’.

TB can damage a person’s lungs and other parts of the body causing serious illness.

Symptoms may be similar to other chronic illnesses, so specific testing is crucial. Once diagnosed, TB can be treated with antibiotics.

For more information about TB and keeping your lungs healthy visit the website

Or book in and make an appointment with your GP at OR call 02 8038 1070


Coeliac Awareness Week 13-20 March, 2016

In people with coeliac disease, the immune system reacts abnormally to gluten (a protein found in wheat, rye, barley and oats), causing small bowel damage, which can lead to various gastrointestinal and malabsorptive symptoms.

Approximately 1 in 70 people are affected by coeliac disease, however 80% of people are undiagnosed and don’t know they have the disease!

Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? Speak to your doctor today!

coeliac awarenss week 13-20 march