National Carers Week 2017

National Carer’s Week is an opportunity to raise awareness of the efforts and commitments made by carer’s around the country. There are over 2.8 million family and friend carers in Australia providing 36 million hours of care and support every week to a family member or friend who has a disability, mental illness, drug and/or alcohol dependency, chronic condition, terminal illness or who is frail.

“The replacement value of that unpaid care is $1.1 billion per week.”

Make a difference this October by:

  • Informing carers of your appreciation
  • Organising a fundraiser
  • Raising awareness on social media
  • Volunteering to be a carer

For more information , visit:


Red Cake Day 2017

Red Cake Day 2017

Red cakes can change lives! That’s why Haemophilia Foundation Australia are calling on friends and supporters to help celebrate Haemophilia Awareness Week by taking part in Red Cake Day! Haemophilia is a medical condition in which the ability of the blood to clot is severely reduced, causing the sufferer to bleed severely from even a slight injury.


“Currently in Australia there are more than 2,700 people with varied degrees of haemophilia severity.”

Get involved this October by:

  • Informing participants of the risks of Haemophilia
  • Raising awareness on social media
  • Volunteering with the foundation
  • Organising a Red Cake Day stall
  • Setting up a fundraising page
  • Purchasing merchandise

For more information, visit:

Pink Ribbon Breakfast Campaign 2017

Pink Ribbon Breakfast Campaign 2017

This October, come together with friends, family or colleagues and raise funds for life-changing breast cancer research – the best way to stop breast cancer taking the people we love.

Get involved this October by:

  • Raising awareness on social media
  • Hosting your own breakfast
  • Informing the community
  • Donating to the foundation

For more information, visit:

National Safe Work Month

National Safe Work Month is held in October each year. It aims to build awareness of work health and safety and encourage discussion about the importance of WHS issues.

Since Safe Work Australia’s inception, there has been a steady decline in the rate of work-related fatalities and workers’ compensation claims. However, its still long way to go. There’s still work to be done.

Get involved this October by:

  • Organising a fundraiser
  • Taking care of yourself and colleagues in the workplace
  • Raising awareness on social media

For more information, visit:

Girls Night In October Month

Girls’ Night In is a fun, simple way for women to raise funds and awareness for women’s cancer research, prevention programs and support services while getting together with friends.

Around 65 women are diagnosed with a breast or gynaecological cancer in Australia… Every. Single. Day.

Get involved this October by:

  • Hosting your own girls night in
  • Donating to the foundation
  • Raising awareness on social media

For more information:



Liptember 2017 23rd September


Liptember is a campaign dedicated to educating the community on women’s mental health whilst raising funds towards specific women’s mental health research and support programs.

“Gender differences occur particularly in the rates of common mental disorders – depression, anxiety and somatic complaints. Unipolar depression, predicted to be the second leading cause of global disability burden by 2020, is twice as common in women.”

Get involved this September by:

  • Purchasing a Liptember lipstick from a participating store
  • Volunteering with the foundation
  • Organising your own fundraiser
  • Raising awareness on social media

For more information, visit:

World Alzheimer’s Day 21 September 2017

World Alzheimer’s Day, September 21st of each year, is a day on which Alzheimer’s organizations around the world concentrate their efforts on raising awareness about Alzheimer’s and dementia. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, a group of disorders that impairs mental functioning.

“Dementia is a type of Alzheimer’s disease. Currently, there are more than 413,106 Australians living with dementia which is the second leading cause of death!”

Be a part this September by:

  • Informing the community
  • Organising a fundraiser
  • Raising awareness on social media
  • Donating

For more information, visit:

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month 2017

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia is asking Australia to get involved and help create awareness and raise the much needed funds to help in the fight against prostate cancer.

“Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men in Australia with 20,000 diagnosis and close to 3,300 deaths each year.”

Become a part this September by:

  • Volunteering with the foundation
  • Donating
  • Raising awareness on social media
  • Informing the community

For more information, visit:

Big Heart Appeal 2017 10th September

Big Heart Appeal is an initiative to target heart disease in Australia. Heart disease is the number one killer of Australians. The Heart Foundation is leading the fight against heart disease, but they need your help.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the term used for heart, stroke and blood vessel diseases. It’s the leading cause of death in Australia with 45,600 deaths in Australia in 2011.”

Get involved this September by:

  • Donating to the foundation
  • Volunteering
  • Raising awareness on social media
  • Organise a fundraiser

For more information, visit:

World Suicide Prevention Day

This World Suicide Prevention Day is an initiative to take a minute to change lives with as many suicide prevention awareness raising events as possible being held in Australia on or around World Suicide Prevention Day.

“The World Health Organization estimates that over 800,000 people die by suicide each year – that’s one person every 40 seconds.”

Participate this September by:

  • Informing the community
  • Partaking in small, kind acts to raise awareness
  • Social media awareness
  • Volunteering
  • Informing the community

For more information, visit: