Cervical Screening

The program has changed for Cervical Screening

Are you up to date with your test? 

It’s important to have a pap smear test every five years even if you have had the cervical cancer vaccine.

Regular cervical tests help detect and prevent cervical cancer.

Book with the GP to discuss.

Visit our website www.waitaramedical.com to book an appointment or call   02 8038 1070

Is your immunisation upto date?


Is your immunisation upto date?

Vaccines are the best way to prevent infectious diseases and allow public health safety.

Did you know that travel and infant immunisations are also available at Waitara Family Medical Practice?

For more information, contact Waitara Family Medical reception at (02) 8038 1070.

Health Checks

ECG & Spirometry Available

Make sure that you regularly visit your GP for health checks which may include ECG and Spirometry. These will ensure detection of any heart and lung abnormalities.

Did you know that ECG and Spirometry are available at Waitara Family Medical Practice?

Contact Waitara Family Medical reception for more information or book an appointment : 02 8038 1070. You can also book online at https://www.waitaramedical.com/


Check your skin today

If you love the outdoors, love your skin more. Australia is recognized as an outdoor loving country, but it’s also known for the harsh sun and high cases of Melanoma. 1,500 people in Australia died from melanoma in 2012, which is four people a day, very sobering statistics. The deaths for 2015 were 1,675, which are from 12,960 melanoma cases diagnosed.

Therefore, wear appropriate sunscreen and clothing.

Make sure you see your GP and have your skin checked regularly.

Travelling Soon?

Traveling soon?

Important things to remember to stay safe and healthy on your holidays:

  • Visit doctor 4-6 weeks before your travel to any destination – you may need vaccinations or medication
  • Prevent bug bites
  • Reduce your exposure to germs
  • Avoid sharing body fluids
  • Avoid non-sterile medical or cosmetic equipment
  • Eat and drink safely
  • Keep away from animals

Waitara Family Medical Practice can help you with any of your travel requirements. Our GPs can provide travel advice and administer any vaccinations you may require, on-site.

To book an appointment, call 02 8038 1070 or visit www.waitaramedical.com.au