MS Readathon

MS Readathon 2018

MS Readathon is a reading based fundraising program open to participants of ALL ages. Read through the month of August, get sponsored and make a difference! All funds raised go towards support and services provided for people living with MS, their families and carers while the search for a cure continues.        Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a condition of the central nervous system, interfering with nerve impulses within the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves.

“Approximately one in 3,000 Australians are affected by the disorder of multiple sclerosis.”

Get involved this August by:

  • Being a part of the reading fundraiser
  • Volunteering
  • Donating to the foundation

For more information, visit:

Homelessness Prevention Week 2018

Homelessness Prevention Week 2018

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Homeless Persons’ Week is an annual awareness raising week held in the first full week of August each year to highlight the over 105,000 Australians who are homeless on any given night.

Homelessness Australia provides information sheets and resources to support events all around Australia. This is an important opportunity to recognise the prevalent homelessness issue within the Australian community.

To get involved this August:

  • Raise awareness on social media
  • Inform the community by spreading information sheets
  • Organise a fundraiser

For more information, visit:


World Breastfeeding Week 2018

World Breastfeeding Week 2018

World Breastfeeding Week 2018

World Breastfeeding Week is an initiative which aims to protect, promote and support breastfeeding as the best way to provide newborns with the nutrients they need.

“Breastfeeding is not only the cornerstone of a child’s healthy development; it is also the foundation of a country’s development.”

Get involved this August by:

  • Raising awareness on social media
  • Educating the community
  • Organising a fundraiser
  • Donating to the foundation

For more information, visit:

Dental Health Week 2018

Dental Health Week 2018

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Dental Health Week, which takes place this year from 6 to 12 August, is the Australian Dental Association’s major annual oral health promotion event. Its aim is to educate Australians about the importance of maintaining good oral health by promoting the key messages of brushing daily and maintaining a healthy diet. This is a key issue in the Australian community as:

“65% of Australians haven’t seen a dentist in the last two years. “

Get involved this August by:

  • Maintaining good oral care
  • Visiting your dentist if needed
  • Raising awareness on social media
  • Informing the community

For more information, visit:

Donate Life Week 2018

 Donate Life Week 2018

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DonateLife Week is a key part of the Australian Government’s national reform program to increase organ and tissue donation and transplantation outcomes. Each year, events are held across Australia during DonateLife Week to encourage all Australians to register their donation decision and to discuss their donation decisions with their loved ones.

“More than 1,300 Australians are today on wait lists for a life-saving or life-transforming transplant.”

Get involved this August by:

  • Registering for a donation
  • Raising awareness on social media
  • Informing family and friends

For more information, visit:

World Hepatitis Day 2018

World Hepatitis Day 2018

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World Hepatitis Day 2018 is a campaign to raise awareness of chronic hepatitis A, B and C. On this day, the world joins together to drive action, to transform the lives of 300+ million people and to play a part in the fight to eliminate viral hepatitis by 2030. The theme in Australia for 2018 is ‘Why Miss Out’.

“The elimination of viral hepatitis is not just a public health goal – it is an individual goal for millions of men, women and children across the world. Every single person could be affected by viral hepatitis and we all have a part to play to achieve elimination.”

Get involved this July by:

  • Raising awareness on social media
  • Handing out promotional merchandise
  • Creating a poster
  • Volunteering
  • Donating

For more information, visit:

White Ribbon Night 2018

White Ribbon Night 2018

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White Ribbon Night this year is the last weekend in July, from July 27-29. It is a major fundraising campaign, and supports the national domestic violence primary prevention campaign.  It provides a channel for conversations and actions to stand up and speak out about men’s violence against women. They allow individuals and organisations to get involved in ways that suit them and their communities.

“A survey of domestic violence data in Australia revealed that 1 in 3 women have experienced at least one incident of violence from a current or former partner since the age of 15”

To get involved in this initiative:

  • Host an event and invite your family and friends to be a part of ending men’s violence against women
  • Raise awareness on social media
  • Volunteer with the foundation

For more information, visit:

Stress Down Day 2018

Stress Down Day 2018

Stress Down Day

Stress Down Day 2018 is a fun and easy initiative to reduce stress and raise vital funds for Lifeline. It is Lifeline’s annual fundraising campaign held in July. People are encouraged to participate in stress reducing, fun activities such as wearing slippers to work or school, or dressing up or down, and then making a donation to Lifeline. It’s easy to get involved and all funds raised support Lifeline’s 13 11 14 crisis support service.

“Research shows that 90% of Australians need to stress less – with 74% of people reported being stressed from work.”

Get involved this July by:

  • Managing your wellbeing
  • Organising a fundraiser
  • Volunteering
  • Donating to the foundation
  • Raising awareness on social media

For more information, visit:

National Pain Week 2018

National Pain Week 2018

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National Pain Week 2017 is a campaign to reduce the stigmatisation surrounding chronic pain. The week works towards healing relationships between the person in pain and their pain clinician/s and to reduce the isolation and suffering of people in pain.This year’s week will be held 23-29 July with the theme  ‘nothing about us without us’.

“An estimated 20 percent of adult Australians suffer chronic pain.”

Make a difference this July by:

  • Organising a fundraiser
  • Informing the community
  • Raising awareness on social media
  • Volunteering with the foundation
  • Donating

For more information, visit:

National Pyjama Day 2018

National Pyjama Day 2018

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National Pyjama Day 2018 is about raising much needed awareness and funds for children in foster care. By wearing your favourite PJ’s and by making a donation, you’ll be helping foster children achieve their dreams.

“Currently there are more than 43,000 children in foster care, and statistics show that approximately 32,250 of these children will not complete high school.”

Get involved by:

  • Hosting a Pyjama Day
  • Making a donation
  • Volunteering with the foundation
  • Raising awareness on social media

For more information, visit: