Sleep Awareness Week 2018

Sleep Awareness Week 2018

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Sleep Awareness Week is a campaign designed to ascertain the importance of a good sleep schedule in maintaining good health. The campaign also seeks to raise awareness about the various sleeping disorders and their impact on human life. This Sleep Awareness Week the Sleep Health Foundation is turning its attention to the role of caffeine in our society. Therefore, the primary question is: “Could caffeine be masking a sleep disorder”.

“More than 1.5 million Australian adults, 9% of the adult population, now suffer from sleep disorders.”

To get involved:

  • Raise awareness on social media
  • Donate to the foundation
  • Organise a fundraiser

For more information, visit:

Dementia Awareness Month 2018

Dementia Awareness Month 2018

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Dementia Awareness Month is Dementia Australia’s national awareness-raising campaign held every year throughout September.

Its aim is to encourage all Australians to become more aware of dementia, to get a better understanding of what it is like to live with dementia and how we can support people living with dementia.

This year’s theme is Small actions Big difference.

There are many small actions people can take to create a big difference for people impacted by dementia, their families and carers.

“Dementia is the second leading cause of death of Australians contributing to 5.4% of all deaths in males and 10.6% of all deaths in females each year”

Get involved this September by:

  • Organising your own fundraiser
  • Raising awareness on social media
  • Donating to the foundation

For more information, visit:

Dystonia Awareness Week 2018

Dystonia Awareness Week 2018

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Dystonia awareness week is a campaign designed to increase community engagement and awareness of the condition and to provide appropriate, researched information for adults and children with dystonia, their carers and interested health providers.

Dystonia is a neurological movement disorder that makes it difficult for people to control their muscles. It can cause abnormal twisting or positions in part(s) of the body along with spasms or tremors.

“Currently, there are no medications or treatments to prevent dystonia or slow its progression, nor is there a cure. “

Get involved this September by:

  • Raising awareness on social media
  • Informing the community
  • Volunteering with the foundation
  • Making a donation

For more information, visit:

Liptember 2018

Liptember 2018

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Liptember is a campaign  dedicated to raising funds and awareness for women’s mental health whilst informing the community of specific women’s mental health research and support programs.

“One in three Australian women will suffer depression or anxiety during their lifetime.”

“Postnatal depression affects 15% of women within the first year after childbirth.”

Get involved this September by:

  • Purchasing a Liptember lipstick from a participating store
  • Volunteering with the foundation
  • Organising your own fundraiser
  • Raising awareness on social media

For more information, visit:


Big Heart Appeal 2018

Big Heart Appeal 2018

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The Heart Foundation saves lives and improves health through funding world-class cardiovascular research, guidelines for health professionals, informing the public and assisting people with cardiovascular disease.

As a charity, the Heart Foundation relies on donations and gifts in wills to continue lifesaving research, education and health promotion work.

The Big Heart Appeal is one such opportunity for the community to realise the overwhelming spread of cardiovascular diseases and make a contribution to the Heart Foundation to ensure that they continue their work into such important research

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major cause of death in Australia, with one Australian dying every 12 minutes. 

Get involved this September by:

  • Raising awareness on social media
  • Donate to the foundation
  • Organise a fundraiser
  • Informing the community of the benefits of eating healthier

For more information, visit:

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month 2018

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month 2018

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September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia is asking Australia to get involved and help create awareness and raise the much needed funds to help in the fight against prostate cancer.

“Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men in Australia with 20,000 diagnosis and close to 3,500 deaths each year.”

All men over 50 – or over 40 are encouraged –  if you have a family history – to talk with your GP about your prostate health.

Become a part this September by:

  • Volunteering with the foundation
  • Donating
  • Raising awareness on social media
  • Informing the community

For more information, visit:


Dystonia Awareness Month 2018

Dystonia Awareness Month 2018

Image result for dystonia awareness month

Dystonia awareness month is designed to inform the community of the spreading condition and urge the community to join in helping those which are affected. Dystonia is a Neurological Movement Condition which affects adults and children. It can affect any part of the body and causes muscles to contract or spasm. This may cause pain, tremors, twisting and other uncontrollable movements.

Currently there is no cure. 

“Research from the United States indicates that dystonia is as common as multiple sclerosis in certain areas of the world including parts of the Australia.”

To get involved this September:

  • Inform the community
  • Raise awareness on social media
  • Organise a fundraiser
  • Donate to the foundation

For more information, visit:

National Stroke Week 2018

National Stroke Week 2018

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This year, Stroke Foundation is encouraging Australians to discover how easy it is to fit healthy habits into their day and do their part to prevent stroke.

It’s estimated that more than 80 percent of strokes can be prevented simply by managing risk factors and living a healthy lifestyle.

There are some risk factors for stroke which can’t be prevented like age, family history and prior stroke. If you’re male, your risk is also higher.

There are two ways to approach this: first by talking to your doctor and secondly by taking ownership of your own health

Fight stroke this September by:

  • Volunteering
  • Donating to the foundation
  • Raising awareness on social media
  • Organising a fundraiser
  • But MOST IMPORTANTLY, taking charge of your own health

For more information, visit:


International Overdose Awareness Day

International Overdose Awareness Day 2018

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International Overdose Awareness Day was initiated in 2001 to understand and raise awareness for those individuals who have suffered from drug overdoses.

Since 2001, many community members as well as government and non-government organisations have held events to commemorate those who have been lost to drug overdose.

“New South Wales recorded the largest number of drug induced mortality in 2016 with 547 deaths”

To get involved:

  • Organise your own fundraiser
  • Make a donation
  • Raise awareness on social media

For more information, visit:

Speech Pathology Week 2018

Speech Pathology Week 2018

In 2018, Speech Pathology Week is 19-25 August.

Speech Pathology Week seeks to promote the speech pathology profession and the work done by speech pathologists with  more than 1.1 million Australians who have a communication or swallowing disorder that impacts on their daily life.

Communication is a basic human right and Speech Pathology Week seeks to promote this fact.

Get involved this August by:

  • Informing the community
  • Raising awareness on social media
  • Organising a fundraiser

For more information, visit: