World Food Safety Day | FDA
  • One in ten people worldwide fall ill from contaminated food each year
  • Over 200 diseases are caused by eating contaminated food 
  • 40 percent of the foodborne disease burden is carried by children under 5

World Food Safety Day on 7 June 2024 will draw attention to food safety incidents. This year’s theme underlines the importance of being prepared for food safety incidents, no matter how mild or severe they can be. A food incident can happen, for example, due to accidents, inadequate controls, food fraud or natural events.



  • Develop and regularly update national food safety emergency response plans
  • Ensure a coordinated approach across government agencies and national authorities
  • Provide rapid, accurate and open information to stakeholders Food operators:
  • Establish and regularly update food safety management plans
  • Know how to avoid food safety incidents by following good hygiene practices
  • Provide regular staff training
  • Consumers
  • Practice safe food handling at home
  • Know how to keep food safe before, during, and after emergencies,
  • Know how to report poor hygiene standards and misleading food labelling.

For more information:


Every year in June, Lifeblood celebrates over half a million of our donors who make a difference through their generous life-saving blood donations. Each year, around World Blood Donor Day on 14 June, Lifeblood is proud to host National Blood Donor Week — it’s our way of recognising the impact and importance of our wonderful donors.

Why donate blood?

  • Blood that’s taken straight from a donor. After it’s donated, we usually separate blood into red blood cells, plasma and platelets in our labs.
  • Red blood cells only last 42 days from when they’re donated. Australia needs over 1.7 million donations every year to meet demand: that’s three every minute.
  • Did you know one blood donation can save up to three lives? Just think about how many lives you could change by coming back for more.
  • Get Involved :
  • Donate Blood
  • Spread awareness

For more information ,visit :


Tourette Syndrome: Dispelling the Myths – The Amino Company

Each year the TSAA holds a National Awareness Week. In the lead up to Awareness week we encourage everyone to do one thing to help spread the message. 

Awareness Week 2024 will be held from 2 – 8 June, coinciding with International Tourette Syndrome Awareness day on 7 June.

Tourette’s syndrome is a neurological condition that involves automatic, unconscious movements and utterances called tics.

Ideas to get involved in Awareness Week include:

  • Calling your local radio station and newspaper to include a notice or interview
  • Sharing our social media files
  • Putting our flyer in the school/work newsletter
  • Put up a flyer at your local medical centre, school, workplace notice board or library
  • Delivering TSAA brochures to doctors, allied health professionals and other organisations in your community
  • Hold a “Wear Teal for Tourettes” awareness day at your school or workplace
  • Donate a book on TS to your local or school library
  • Hold a BBQ or cake stall
  • Do a talk on TS at your local community group (Rotary, Lions Club, Probus etc)

For more information,visit:,Awareness%20day%20on%207%20June.


World Haemochromatosis Awareness Week | Haemochromatosis Australia

Hereditary haemochromatosis (inherited iron overload disorder) is the most common genetic disorder in Australia. About 1 in 200 people of northern European origin have the genetic risk for haemochromatosis. People with the condition absorb too much iron from their diet. The excess iron is stored in the body and over time this leads to iron overload.

Tags for the week: #WHW2024 #beatoverload

The key messages of the week are:

  • Haemochromatosis is the most common genetic disorder in Australia
  • If you are the 1 in 200 affected, it can cause serious health problems
  • Ask your doctor to find out if you are storing too much iron

To get involved :

  • Donate to the foundation.
  • Raise awareness on social media.
  • Sponsor an event.
  • Volunteer.

For more iformation ,visit:


World No Tobacco Day | May 31 - Calendarr

Youth step in and speak out #TobaccoExposed T

World No Tobacco Day 2024 will give a platform to young people across the world, who are urging governments to shield them from predatory tobacco marketing tactics. The industry targets youth for a lifetime of profits, creating a new wave of addiction. Children are using e-cigarettes at rates higher than adults in all regions and globally an estimated 37 million youth aged 13–15 years use tobacco.

Key facts

  • Tobacco kills up to half of its users who don’t quit (1-3).
  • Tobacco kills more than 8 million people each year, including an estimated 1.3 million non-smokers who are exposed to second-hand smoke (4).
  • Around 80% of the world’s 1.3 billion tobacco users live in low- and middle-income countries.
  • In 2020, 22.3% of the world’s population used tobacco: 36.7% of men and 7.8% of women.
  • To address the tobacco epidemic, WHO Member States adopted the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) in 2003. Currently 182 countries are Parties to this treaty.
  • The WHO MPOWER measures are in line with the WHO FCTC and have been shown to save lives and reduce costs from averted healthcare expenditure.

Get Involved :

  • Raising awareness in family, friends and social media
  • Volunteer
  • Host an Event

For more information :

WORLD MS DAY – 30 MAY 2024

World MS Day brings the global MS community together on 30 May to share stories, raise awareness and campaign with everyone affected by multiple sclerosis (MS).

MS is the most common acquired chronic neurological disease ,
As yet, there is no cure.
There is no known single cause of MS, but many genetic and environmental factors have been shown to contribute to its development.
In MS, the body’s own immune system mistakenly attacks and damages the fatty material – called myelin – around the nerves. Myelin is important for protecting and insulating nerves so that the electrical messages that the brain sends to the rest of the body, travel quickly and efficiently.

  • Nearly 3 million people live with MS worldwide.
  • There are more than 33,300 Australians living with MS.
  • Average age of diagnosis is between 20-40 years.
  • 3 out of 4 Australians diagnosed with MS are women.
  • MS affects more young adults than any other acquired chronic neurological disease.
  • Get Involved :
  • Volunteer.
  • Raise Awareness .
  • Donate.

For more information,visit:


Food Allergy Week A&AA

Food Allergy Week aims to raise awareness of food allergy including anaphylaxis. During Food Allergy Week, Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia is calling on all Australians to unite to help increase awareness and share information on what we can all do to improve safety for people who live with food allergies.

The theme for Food Allergy Week 2024 is: When eating out, Always Ask, Always Tell

  1. Australia has one of the highest rates of food allergies in the world, with more than 1.5 million Australians living with a food allergy.
  2. We also have one of the highest rates of hospital anaphylaxis admissions in the world.
  3. There has been a 51% increase in anaphylaxis presentations to emergency departments in a 5-year period, growing to more than 11,500 per year.

Get Involved :

  • Paint one nail
  • Donate to the foundation
  • Raise awareness on social media
  • Volunteer

For more information,visit :

World Thyroid Day -25 may 2024

World Thyroid Day" Images – Browse 266 Stock Photos, Vectors, and Video |  Adobe Stock
  • Thyroid is a gland in your neck that helps control many important functions of your body.
  • You can experience a range of health problems. if your thyroid becomes overactive (hyperthyroidism) or underactive (hypothyroidism),
  • Once diagnosed, most thyroid problems can usually be treated effectively.

This year’s Theme: Thyroid Diseases are NCDs

  • Worldwide 1.6 billion people are thought to be at risk of thyroid disorder.
  • 1 in 8 women will develop thyroid disorder in their lifetime.
  • 30,000 babies born with Congenital Hypothyroidism go undetected and untreated every year.

Get involved by:

  • Making a donation
  • Promote awareness and understanding of thyroid disorders and their complications.
  • Volunteering
  • Raising awareness on social media

For more Information ,visit:


National Palliative Care Week (NPCW), held from 19-25 May 2024, is Australia’s largest annual awareness raising initiative held increase understanding of the many benefits of palliative care.

During this week PCNSW will be showing support for the incredible work of palliative care nurses, doctors, allied health workers, carers and volunteers across NSW.

Palliative care is person and family-centred care provided for a person with an active, progressive, advanced disease, who has little or no prospect of cure and who is expected to die, and for whom the primary goal is to optimise the quality of life.

For help and information ask your:

  • Doctor
  • Aboriginal Health Worker
  • Hospital Liaison Officer
  • Nurse

Get involved this May by:

  • Raising Awareness on social media.
  • Getting a conversation going in the community
  • Volunteering with the foundation
  • Donating

For more information, visit: