World Braille Day- January 4

Image, World Braille Day in Australia - Saturday, 4 January 2025

On January 4, 2025, individuals and organizations are encouraged to recognize World Braille Day by supporting efforts to improve accessibility for blind and visually impaired people.

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) around the world use this day to create awareness about the challenges faced by visually impaired individuals and to encourage businesses and governments to create economic and social opportunities for the blind.

NGOs and disability organizations hold competitions and public outreach events. Teachers in schools teach the history of braille to their students.

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International Human Solidarity Day 20 December

The Sustainable Development Agenda is centred on people & planet, underpinned by human rights and supported by a global partnership determined to lift people out of poverty, hunger and disease. It will, thus, be built on a foundation of global cooperation and solidarity.

International Human Solidarity Day is:
– a day to celebrate our unity in diversity;
– a day to remind governments to respect their commitments to international agreements;
– a day to raise public awareness of the importance of solidarity;
– a day to encourage debate on the ways to promote solidarity for the achievement of the Sustainable
– a day of action to encourage new initiatives for poverty eradication.

Here is the link for more information

International Migrants Day 18 December

International Migrants Day gives us a special opportunity to shine a spotlight on the invaluable contributions of millions of migrants around the world. It’s also a day for us to highlight the increasingly complex environment in which migration occurs. Conflicts, climate-related disasters and economic pressures continue to drive millions of people from their homes in search of safety or simply opportunity.

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International Universal Health Coverage Day -12th December

On 12 December 2012, the United Nations General Assembly endorsed a resolution urging countries to accelerate progress toward universal health coverage (UHC) – the idea that everyone, everywhere should have access to quality, affordable health care. 

The United Nations proclaimed 12 December as International Universal Health Coverage Day (UHC Day) by resolution 72/138.

International Universal Health Coverage Day aims to raise awareness of the need for strong and resilient health systems and universal health coverage with multi-stakeholder partners.

Please Click on the link for more information.

1 December is World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day brings together people from around the world to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and demonstrate international solidarity in the face of the pandemic.

The day is an opportunity for public and private partners to spread awareness about the status of the pandemic and encourage progress in HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care around the world.

For more Information please click on the following Link

World Diabetes Day 14 November

Globally, an estimated 422 million adults were living with diabetes in 2014, compared to 108 million in 1980. The global prevalence of diabetes has nearly doubled since 1980, rising from 4.7% to 8.5% in the adult population. This reflects an increase in associated risk factors such as being overweight or obese. Over the past decade, diabetes prevalence has risen faster in low and middle-income countries than in high-income countries.

Diabetes is a major cause of blindness, kidney failure, heart attack, stroke and lower limb amputation. Healthy diet, physical activity and avoiding tobacco use can prevent or delay type 2 diabetes. In addition diabetes can be treated and its consequences avoided or delayed with medication, regular screening and treatment for complications.

Click on this link for more information

Lung Cancer Awareness month

If lung cancer is found at an earlier stage, there is more chance of a better outcome.

It’s important to know the symptoms of lung cancer as although lung cancer occurs mostly in people aged 60 and over, it can affect people of any age.

New and constantly evolving treatments such as immunotherapy are likely to continue to improve outcomes for people affected by lung  cancer.

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Occupational Therapy Day-27th OctobeR

Occupational Therapy Day was first launched on 27th October 2010. Since then, it has become an important date in the occupational therapy calendar to promote and celebrate the profession internationally.

The World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) is the international voice of the occupational therapy profession which globally comprises of 107 national occupational therapy professional organisations. World Occupational Therapy Day is the opportunity to heighten the visibility of the profession’s development work and to promote the activities of WFOT locally, nationally, and internationally.

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National Carers Week -13-19 october 2024

National Carers Week 2021

National Carers Week will run from Sunday 13 to Saturday 19 October 2024. It is a time to recognise, celebrate and raise awareness about the 3 million Australians who provide care to a family member or friend.
Carers are people who provide unpaid care and support to family members and friends who have a disability, mental health condition, chronic condition, terminal illness, an alcohol or other drug issue or who are frail aged.

Anyone can become a carer, at anytime.

This year’s Carer Wellbeing Survey found carers who had good access to support had healthy levels of wellbeing compared to those who had no or limited access to help.

Below are some ideas of how you can help a carer today:

  • Check in Regularly
  • Offer a Break
  • Acknowledge and Appreciate
  • Intiate Support
  • Encourge Self Care

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