Our Team

Helping residents across the Hornsby Shire and surrounds…

We have friendly and experienced staff who are passionate about healthcare and here to help you back to recovery. Based in Waitara, our practice provides healthcare for residents across the Hornsby and general north shore region, including Normanhurst, Wahroonga, Asquith, Thornleigh and Turramurra and more.

General Practitioner

        Dr Deepak Raja    Managing Director

          MBBS   MD   FRACGP

Dr Raja resides locally and is the founder of the purpose-built Waitara Family Medical Practice, where he is currently helping the local community with their medical and health needs. He is a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.

Dr Raja finds working in general practice very rewarding. He is passionate about professional learning and committed to providing high quality care. He brings 25 years experience to the practice.
He has special interest in paediatrics, adolescent, preventative medicine and Men’s health.

General Practitioners

Dr Sharmila Kumar     

MBBS (Syd), FRACGP, Dip Derm (Wales),  FPA, Cert Women’s  Health, Cert Med Ed.

Dr Sharmila Kumar graduated from The University of Sydney and is a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.

She brings 20 years of experience to the practice and is also able to speak Tamil.
 She has special interests in preventative health, women’s health, menopause, eye check, skin cancer check,  children’s health, dermatology, adolescent medicine and ophthalmology. Additionally, she enjoys teaching, is a medical educator and an examiner for the RACGP college. She is a strong advocate of excellent communication, shared decision making and continuity of care.

Sharmila is an Australasian Menopause Society doctor and is a menopause champion of the award-winning Menopause Experts group. 

          Dr Mandana Arefpour

              MBBS   MD   FRACGP

Dr Mandy is Doctor of Medicine and has graduated from Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences in year 2000 in Iran. After graduation, she commenced her work as a General Practitioner.  She is a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. She also has completed Master of Human Genetic and Reproductive Health from University of Sydney. 

She brings lot of her experience to the practice and speaks Persian.  She has special interests in women health, skin cancer check, preventative health and management of mental health. She is fully conversant with all aspects of General Practice. 

Nursing staff

Our nursing staff are very experienced and multi-lingual. If you need assistance with language it is likely we can help so please check with the reception. Our interpreter services are available to assist you.

Podiatrist      Chaehyung Cho

Chaehyung Cho is a registered Podiatrist, who provides quality foot treatment at affordable prices. He provides the following Services:
– Toenail care
– Nail disorders
– Corns and callous
– Dry feet
– Cracked heels
– Flat feet
– High arch feet
– Foot orthotics
– Foot and ankle pain
– Sports injuries
– Wound care
– Diabetic foot care
– Children’s feet

– No referrals required
– Bulk Bill for GP Management and Care Plan
– Accepts Vetarans Affairs(DVA)
– Private Health Insurance covered services
– On Site HICAPS facilities available

Fee  $75 Initial consultation

Please call Waitara Family Medical Practice at 80381070 to book appointment.

Psychologist         Nicole Turner

I’m excited to introduce myself as a psychologist dedicated to supporting our local community. After 20 years in front-line Therapeutic Out of Home Care at State and National levels, I’m now focusing my passion on serving our community while balancing life with my amazing family.
As a registered psychologist for the last 14 years, I have worked
across Family Law Court, Children’s Court, domestic violence, youth
offending, risk-taking behaviour in teens, and various other areas.
I’m now expanding my practice to offer face-to-face sessions at
Waitara Family Medical Centre in addition to my current online
therapy sessions.
I offer psychological support grounded in the latest research on
emotional regulation, neurodiversity, trauma-informed care, and
positive psychology Utilising techniques such as EMDR, CBT,
critical incident debriefing, and dignity-driven practices, I help
patients develop strategies to navigate their daily lives.
I accept patients aged 10 and over, providing tailored care to
meet individual needs. My experience as a subject matter expert
in Family Law, Children’s, and Local Courts across NSW and
Australia, allows me to navigate legal and policy frameworks
effectively and help clients overcome fear-based thinking.
Session fees start at $250, with initial sessions under a MHCP
bulk billed at Waitara Family Medical Centre, so clients can
determine if I’m the right fit.
For more information or to book a session, please contact reception@80381070.

Multi-lingual staff

At Waitara Family Medical Practice, our multi-lingual staff can speak different languages.

We have English, Hindi, Telugu, Persian  speaking GPs  and reception staff and Chinese speaking nurse .

Its pretty simple to get here, only minutes from Waitara Train Station between Repco and Bridgestone on Pacific Highway. If you would like to book, you can do so through Health Engine on the right-hand side or just phone 02 8038 1070 to speak to our friendly staff.