Category Archives: Waitara Medical News

Waitara Family Medical Practice aims to keep the local community as healthy as possible. We will be posting relevant medical centre news and GP advice.

Movember 2018

Movember 2018

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The Movember Foundation is the leading global health organisation committed to changing the face of men’s health, stopping men dying too young. The state of men’s health is in crisis. Men experience worse longer-term health than women and die on average six years earlier.

3,500 male deaths have already occurred this year due to prostate cancer.Three quarters of suicides are men. Poor mental health leads to half a million men taking their own life every year. That’s one every minute.

Be a part of groundbreaking change and support ‘The Movember Foundation’ to address the crisis at a global level.

To get involved:

  • Donate to the foundation
  • Grow a moustache to show your support
  • Organise a fundraiser
  • Raise awareness on social media

For more information:

Blue Knot Day 2018

Blue Knot Day 2018

Blue Knot Day logo 2018

Blue Knot Day is Blue Knot Foundation’s national awareness day celebrated in October every year. On this day, all Australians are asked to unite in support of the 5 million Australian adult survivors of childhood trauma and abuse. Blue Knot Day will be held on Monday 29 October.

The 2018 Blue Knot Day theme ‘REAL LIVES. REAL CHANGE’ recognises the urgent need for support services for adult survivors of childhood trauma.

‘1 in 4 Australians are living with Childhood Trauma at this current moment’


This Blue Knot Day you can show your support for change in 3 ways:

  1. Share the ‘REAL LIVES. REAL CHANGE.’ #unitebkd social media campaign
  2. Purchase a Blue Knot bracelet or pin
  3. Raise funds and awareness in your community

For more information, visit:

National Safe Work Month 2018

National Safe Work Month 2018

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National Safe Work Month is held in October each year. It aims to build awareness of work health and safety and encourage discussion about the importance of WHS issues.

Since Safe Work Australia’s inception, there has been a steady decline in the rate of work-related fatalities and workers’ compensation claims.

However, we also know that work-related injury and disease cost the Australian community $61.8 billion in a year.

There’s still work to be done.

Get involved this October by:

  • Organising a fundraiser
  • Taking care of yourself and colleagues in the workplace
  • Raising awareness on social media

For more information, visit:

World Polio Day 2018

World Polio Day 2018

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Poliomyelitis is a highly infectious disease that most commonly affects children under the age of 5. Most know it as polio virus. The virus is spread from person to person, typically through contaminated water. It can attack the nervous system, and in some instances, lead to paralysis. Although there is no cure, there is a safe and effective vaccine.

“The number of worldwide polio cases has fallen from an estimated 350,000 in 1988 to 407 in 2013—a decline of more than 99% in reported cases.”

Continue this fall in Polio by:

  • Volunteering
  • Raising awareness on social media
  • Organising a fundraiser
  • Donating

For more information, visit:

World Osteoporosis Day 2018

World Osteoporosis Day 2018

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This is an initiative designed to raise awareness of the importance of maintaining good bone health.

This year the theme is focused on the important issue of spinal fractures.

It’s true, any type of broken bone from poor bone health is serious. But spinal fractures are the most undiagnosed type of fracture.

“There are approximately 12,000 spinal cord injuries each year,which are associated with a significant mortality rate.”

Height loss, curved back and sudden unexplained back pain are all warning signs. If osteoporosis is diagnosed there are positive steps to help manage your bone health.

To get involved this October:

  • Raise awareness on social media
  • Donate to the foundation
  • Volunteer

For more information, visit:

National Carers Week 2018

National Carers Week 2018

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National Carer’s Week is an opportunity to raise awareness of the efforts and commitments made by carer’s around the country. There are over 2.8 million family and friend carers in Australia providing 36 million hours of care and support every week to a family member or friend who has a disability, mental illness, drug and/or alcohol dependency, chronic condition, terminal illness or who is frail.

“Should all carers decide to stop performing their caring role, it would cost the country $60.3 billion per year to replace those supports – that’s over $1 billion per week.”

Make a difference this October by:

  • Informing carers of your appreciation
  • Organising a fundraiser
  • Raising awareness on social media
  • Volunteering to be a carer


For more information , visit:

World Mental Health Day 2018

World Mental Health Day 2018

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World Mental Health Day is observed on 10 October every year, with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilizing efforts in support of mental health.

“Half of all mental illness begins by the age of 14, but most cases go undetected and untreated”
“Suicide is the second leading cause of death among 15-29-year-olds.”

The Day provides an opportunity for all stakeholders working on mental health issues to talk about their work, and what more needs to be done to make mental health care a reality for people worldwide.

Get involved this October by:

  • Informing the community
  • Taking care of your mental health
  • Raising awareness on social media
  • Volunteering

For more information:

World Cerebral Palsy Day 2018

World Cerebral Palsy Day 2018

Image result for world cerebral palsy day

World Cerebral Palsy Day is a movement of people with cerebral palsy and their families, and the organisations that support them, in more than 65 countries. The vision is to ensure that children and adults with cerebral palsy (CP) have the same rights, access and opportunities as anyone else in our society. It is only together, that we can make that happen.

“There are 17 million people across the world living with cerebral palsy (CP).”

Get involved this October by:

  • Volunteering with the foundation
  • Donating
  • Organising a fundraiser
  • Raising awareness on social media
  • Sharing your stor

For more information, visit:

Sleep Awareness Week 2018

Sleep Awareness Week 2018

Image result for sleep health foundation

Sleep Awareness Week is a campaign designed to ascertain the importance of a good sleep schedule in maintaining good health. The campaign also seeks to raise awareness about the various sleeping disorders and their impact on human life. This Sleep Awareness Week the Sleep Health Foundation is turning its attention to the role of caffeine in our society. Therefore, the primary question is: “Could caffeine be masking a sleep disorder”.

“More than 1.5 million Australian adults, 9% of the adult population, now suffer from sleep disorders.”

To get involved:

  • Raise awareness on social media
  • Donate to the foundation
  • Organise a fundraiser

For more information, visit:

Dementia Awareness Month 2018

Dementia Awareness Month 2018

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Dementia Awareness Month is Dementia Australia’s national awareness-raising campaign held every year throughout September.

Its aim is to encourage all Australians to become more aware of dementia, to get a better understanding of what it is like to live with dementia and how we can support people living with dementia.

This year’s theme is Small actions Big difference.

There are many small actions people can take to create a big difference for people impacted by dementia, their families and carers.

“Dementia is the second leading cause of death of Australians contributing to 5.4% of all deaths in males and 10.6% of all deaths in females each year”

Get involved this September by:

  • Organising your own fundraiser
  • Raising awareness on social media
  • Donating to the foundation

For more information, visit: