Purple Day is a campaign run each year where people around the world are asked to spread the word about epilepsy by wearing purple. Epilepsy is a medical condition that affects the electrical messages sent by the brain, causing seizures. Disrupted electrical activity in the brain can lead to a change in a person’s movement, behaviour, level of awareness, and/or feeling.

Every week, 305 Australians are diagnosed with epilepsy.

Purple Day aims to encourage people to talk about epilepsy and to remind those who live with seizures that they are not alone. Purple Day is dedicated to increasing awareness about epilepsy worldwide.

Get involved with Purple Day by:

  • Wearing purple to demonstrate support
  • Spreading awareness on social media
  • Buying merchandise or making a donation
  • Organising a fundraiser or volunteering

For more information, visit: https://epilepsyfoundation.org.au/you-can-help/fundraise/purple-day/ and https://www.purpleday.com.au/