Cervical Cancer Awareness Week: 8-14 November 2021

National Cervical Cancer Awareness Week 2021 will be held November 8-14 2021. The theme of the week will build on last year’s message and encourage women aged 25-72 that it is “Time to Catch Up”.

With the uncertainty and impact of the pandemic, more and more women (and those with a cervix) have fallen behind in keeping up-to-date with their Cervical Screening this year.

The hope is to raise awareness during 8-14 November 2021 that will build on the World Health Organisation’s Vision of a world where cervical cancer is eliminated as a public health problem by 2030.

An estimated 913 new cases of cervical cancer will be diagnosed in 2021. (1)

To get involved this November:

  • Buy a ticket to their virtual screening of Conquering Cancer
  • Sign up as a Community Champion to help raise awareness
  • Paint your nails orange to show support and share a picture on social media
  • Inform family and friends to raise awareness

For more information, visit: https://accf.org.au/about-us/campaigns/cervical-cancer-awareness-week-2021/