Perinatal Mental Health Week: 7-13 November 2021

Your PANDA Week 2020 digital toolkit

Perinatal Mental Health Week is run by Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia (PANDA) and aims to raise awareness about perinatal anxiety and depression, including signs to look for and where to go to seek support.

Perinatal Mental Health Week is about enabling people who face unique challenges in becoming parents to access the support they need for their mental wellbeing and provide the tools all expecting and new parents in order to successfully find support for their mental wellbeing.

Get involved this November by:

  • Encouraging open and honest conversations about the mental health of expecting and new parents in your community or workplace
  • Raising awareness on social media
  • Volunteering with the organisation
  • Hosting a PANDA event to raise funds or making a donation

For more information, visit: