World COPD Day is a worldwide campaign aimed at raising awareness about chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and improve COPD care throughout the world. The 2020 theme for World COPD Day will be “Living Well with COPD – Everybody. Everywhere”.
“Research shows that almost half (46%) of all Australians rarely or never think about their lung health.”
Awareness and investigation of new or ongoing respiratory symptoms, such as persistent cough, wheeze, or shortness of breath can lead to early diagnosis and treatments for a range of respiratory diseases. Awareness and understanding of the treatments prescribed is also important including the correct use of inhaled medications or ‘puffers’.
Tips to look after your lung health from the Lung Foundation Australia:
- Make your life a smoke-free zone by quitting smoking and/or reducing your exposure to second-hand smoke.
- Wear appropriate protective equipment if you work in environments that expose you to the inhalation of dust, gas, fumes or chemicals.
- Protect yourself from influenza and pneumonia by having the vaccinations.
- Exercise regularly and have a healthy diet.
- Practice good hand hygiene to minimise the spread of germs.
For more information, visit: https://goldcopd.org/world-copd-day/