Blue Knot Day 2018

Blue Knot Day 2018

Blue Knot Day logo 2018

Blue Knot Day is Blue Knot Foundation’s national awareness day celebrated in October every year. On this day, all Australians are asked to unite in support of the 5 million Australian adult survivors of childhood trauma and abuse. Blue Knot Day will be held on Monday 29 October.

The 2018 Blue Knot Day theme ‘REAL LIVES. REAL CHANGE’ recognises the urgent need for support services for adult survivors of childhood trauma.

‘1 in 4 Australians are living with Childhood Trauma at this current moment’


This Blue Knot Day you can show your support for change in 3 ways:

  1. Share the ‘REAL LIVES. REAL CHANGE.’ #unitebkd social media campaign
  2. Purchase a Blue Knot bracelet or pin
  3. Raise funds and awareness in your community

For more information, visit: