World Prematurity Day 2017

World Prematurity Day 2017

World Prematurity Day is observed on November 17 each year. It aims to raise awareness about the issues associated with preterm birth. It also spreads information about how to help and support affected families.  Preterm or premature birth, birth before 37 weeks gestation, is the second leading cause of newborn death globally. Babies who survive an early birth often face the increased risk of health challenges such as breathing problems, cerebral palsy, intellectual disabilities and many other hurdles.

Each year worldwide, 15 million babies are born too soon. Approximately 25,000 of these babies are born in Australia.

To get involved:

  • Raise awareness on social media
  • Volunteer at an event
  • Purchase your very own candle for ‘Light it up purple’ campaign via the online store
  • Organise your own fundraiser

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