International Women’s Day

International Women Day celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women around the world. The theme for 2017 is ‘BE BOLD FOR CHANGE’, highlighting the importance of a better working world or more specifically a gender – exclusive world.  

“The need for a better world is evident in the gender pay gap existing at 24% globally, revealing the growing disparity within our society.”

Make a change this March by:

  • Participating in the many fundraisers organised around the city including IWD early morning meditation and yoga, special organised breakfast at NSW parliament house and many other organised events in your local community
  • Raising social media awareness through #Beboldforchange
  • Volunteering at fundraisers in your locality
  • Donating money to the organisation
  • Sharing personal stories                               Or Simply, communicating the idea to family and friends to raise awareness