Is your blood pressure healthy?

At least one-quarter of adults have high blood pressure. More than half of them are over 60, but many are younger. Could you be one of them?

Doctor measuring blood pressure - studio shot on white background

High blood pressure can increase the risk of having a stroke or heart attack. There are many things you can do to lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk!

Exercise is recommended 30 minutes per day. This can be what ever you enjoy, walking, cycling, swimming. If you experience discomfort or pain during exercise, speak to your doctor about ways to manage this. You don’t need to do 30 minutes of exercise all in one go, you can break it up throughout the day into two or three separate 10 – 15 minute sessions.

Eating a Healthy Diet including high-fibre foods, fruits and vegetables, wholegrains, lean meat, low-fat dairy, and pleanty of water.

 Limit your salt, alcohol, sugar and saturated fat intake.

Weight Loss losing 5-10% of your current body weight will help improve your blood pressure.

Quit Smoking Although smoking doesn’t cause high blood pressure, it raises the risk of heart disease. Stopping smoking reduces this risk, and is especially important if you have high blood pressure.

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) recommends that you regularly review with your doctor or specialist any medications you are taking for high blood pressure or high cholesterol to assess the ongoing benefits and risks.

Call our reception to make an appointment on 8038 1070 to discuss your blood pressure with your doctor today!