October is Dwarfism Awareness Month!

dwarfism-awareness-logo-01-small-e1412817032770Dwarfism refers to a group of conditions characterised by shorter than normal skeletal growth. This shortness can be manifested in the arms and legs or trunk. There are over 200 types of dwarfism,
Achondroplasia is the most common type of short-limb dwarfism, occurring in around one in 25,000 children in Australia with both sexes at equal risk. This type of skeletal dysplasia (abnormal skeletal growth) is usually diagnosed at birth.

This October, you can help raise awareness of dwarfism through fundraising and donations,  where all proceeds go towards raising awareness about Dwarfism and helping to fund medical aid and equipment for families with Dwarfism in Australia.

For more information visit the Short Statured People of Australia or Dwarfism Awareness Australia Website.