Are you concerned about Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a chronic condition that affects a woman’s reproductive organs. It happens when the lining cells (the endometrium) of the uterus grow outside of it. Often it is found on, and around, the pelvic and abdominal organs, including the ovaries. About 10% of women (around 176 million worldwide) are affected.

The symptoms vary from woman to woman. Some have many symptoms where severe pain occurs, others have no symptoms.

Don’t delay as early diagnosis and treatment may reduce the severity of the disease. Many women do not get a correct diagnosis for up to 7-10 years, often because the symptoms can be different between women and can change over time.

If you think you have endometriosis, make an appointment with your GP to discuss options and investigations.

For more information about Endometriosis, visit the Jean Hailes women’s health website.