Let’s talk about Menopause…

Women are born with about a million eggs in each ovary. At puberty approximately 300,000 eggs remain, and by menopause there are no active eggs left.

On average, a woman in Australia will have 400-500 periods in her lifetime. From about 35-40 years of age, the number of eggs left in your ovaries decrease quickly and you ovulate (release an egg from the ovary) less regularly until your periods stop.

Most women reach menopause at between 45-55 years of age, and the average age of menopause for women in Australia is 51-52 years. Menopause will sometimes occur earlier than expected as a result of cancer treatment, surgery or unknown causes.


When to see your doctor

  • If you are troubled by shortened cycles
  • If you are worried about heavy bleeding
  • If you have increased PMS pain
  • If you have some of the symptoms of menopause like hot flushes that interfere with your daily life

Call 8038 1070 to make an appointment today to discuss menopause with your GP.