September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day


‘Connect, communicate, care’ is the theme of the 2016 World Suicide Prevention Day.

The World Health Organization estimates that over 800,000 people die by suicide each year – that’s one person every 40 seconds. Up to 25 times as many again make a suicide attempt. In Australia more than 2500 people die each year with latest figures (2014) telling us that 2,864 Australians took their own life. Research also tells us that some 65,000 think about attempting suicide each year. The tragic ripple effect means that there are many, many more people who have been bereaved by suicide or have been close to someone who has tried to take his or her own life, as well as those struggling to manage suicidal ideation.

Make an appointment with your GP to discuss your concerns and feelings, or cal lifeline on 131 114 for confidential support. Visit the World Suicide Prevention Day website for information about fundraising and events.